Creating IMDB dataset from keras version#

This script details how the IMDB data in ISLP was constructed.

Running this example requires keras. Use pip install keras to install if necessary.

import pickle
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix, save_npz
import torch
from keras.datasets import imdb
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.sequence import pad_sequences

We first load the data using keras, limiting focus to the 10000 most commmon words.

# the 3 is for three terms: <START> <UNK> <UNUSED> 
num_words = 10000+3
((S_train, L_train), 
 (S_test, L_test)) = imdb.load_data(num_words=num_words)

The object S_train is effectively a list in which each document has been encoded into a sequence of values from 0 to 10002.

[1, 14, 22, 16, 43, 530, 973, 1622, 1385, 65]

We’ll use np.float32 as that is the common precision used in torch.

L_train = L_train.astype(np.float32)
L_test = L_test.astype(np.float32)

We will use a one-hot encoding that captures whether or not a given word appears in a given review.

def one_hot(sequences, ncol):
    idx, vals = [], []
    for i, s in enumerate(sequences):
        idx.extend({(i,v):1 for v in s}.keys())
    idx = np.array(idx).T
    vals = np.ones(idx.shape[1], dtype=np.float32)
    tens = torch.sparse_coo_tensor(indices=idx,
                                   size=(len(sequences), ncol))
    return tens.coalesce()
X_train = one_hot(S_train, num_words)
X_test = one_hot(S_test, num_words)

Store as sparse tensors#

We see later in the lab that the dense representation is faster. Nevertheless, let’s store the one-hot representation as sparse torch tensors as well as sparse scipy matrices.

def convert_sparse_tensor(X):
    idx = np.asarray(X.indices())
    vals = np.asarray(X.values())
    return coo_matrix((vals,
X_train_s = convert_sparse_tensor(X_train)
X_test_s = convert_sparse_tensor(X_test)
X_train_d = torch.tensor(X_train_s.todense())
X_test_d = torch.tensor(X_test_s.todense()), 'IMDB_X_train.tensor'), 'IMDB_X_test.tensor')

Save as sparse scipy matrices#

save_npz('IMDB_X_test.npz', X_test_s)
save_npz('IMDB_X_train.npz', X_train_s)'IMDB_Y_test.npy', L_test)'IMDB_Y_train.npy', L_train)

Save and pickle the word index#

We’ll also want to store a lookup table to convert representations such as S_train[0] into words

word_index = imdb.get_word_index()
lookup = {(i+3):w for w, i in word_index.items()}
lookup[0] = "<PAD>"
lookup[1] = "<START>"
lookup[2] = "<UNK>"
lookup[4] = "<UNUSED>"

Let’s look at our first training document:

' '.join([lookup[i] for i in S_train[0][:20]])
"<START> this film was just brilliant casting location scenery story direction everyone's really suited <UNUSED> part they played and you"

We save this lookup table so it can be loaded later

pickle.dump(lookup, open('IMDB_word_index.pkl', 'bw'))

Padded representations#

For some of the recurrent models, we’ll need sequences of common lengths, padded if necessary. Here, we pad up to a maximum length of 500, filling the remaining entries with 0.

 S_test) = [torch.tensor(pad_sequences(S, maxlen=500, value=0))
            for S in [S_train,

Finally, we save these for later use in the deep learning lab., 'IMDB_S_train.tensor'), 'IMDB_S_test.tensor')